An overview of projects and contracts
- Azerbaijan pioneering pipeline project
- Boskalis breathes new life into UK coastal resorts
- FSU safely transported from South Korea to Norway
- Heera HRD topside transport & float-over
- 2nd Panama island project
- Constructing an iron ore terminal in Gabon
- Design, T&I for 67 offshore wind farm foundations
- Dredging at port Kembla under strict conditions
- Cygnus field development project
- Access made easier in Tuxpan port, Mexico
- Dredging deep trenches in Oman
- Gokbel safely refloated off Italian coast
- The marvel of Malampaya
- Dredging for space exploration
- Towing, mooring, docking the FPSO Schiehallion
- Transport of two semisubmersible drilling rigs
- Dockwise Vanguard transport gigantic FPSO Goliat
- Creating Latin America’s largest port
- Co-Mining: offering a complete mining package
- Big Foot platform transportation
- Salvage SEP Orion
- Creating a 28km-long navigation channel in extremely hard rocky ground
- FPSO anchor installation
- Lucius Spar Transport: a Dockwise precision assignment
- Transport & Installation of 108 foundations
- Providing flood protection
Offices and operations (black dots on world map image)
Azerbaijan pioneering pipeline project
Azerbaijan – Italy — In Azerbaijan preparations are being made for the landfall of an enormous gas pipeline, which will stretch thousands of kilometers from Azerbaijan to Italy. Boskalis will take the pipeline from the offshore gas field to land and will carry out the offshore dredging work, onshore excavating work and the pipe pulling.

Azerbaijan pioneering pipeline project
Boskalis breathes new life into UK coastal resorts
United Kingdom — Two classic English seaside resorts Clacton-on-Sea and Holland-on-Sea, were given a new lease of life through the construction of 23 groins and the creation of 22 new beaches by Boskalis. The weak coastal defenses meant that there was an immediate threat to some 3,000 properties.

Boskalis breathes new life into UK coastal resorts
FSU safely transported from South Korea to Norway
South Korea – Norway — Fairmount, which joined Boskalis last year, completed the transport of the Floating Storage Unit (FSU) Heidrun B from Samsung’s Geoje shipyard in South Korea to Norway. The transport took almost two months and was executed by the Fairmount Sherpa and the Fairmount Expedition, which towed the FSU alongside one another.

FSU safely transported from South Korea to Norway
Heera HRD topside transport & float-over
Vietnam – India — After intensive preparations, the Dockwise vessel Fjell transported the topside of the Heera HRD gas platform from Vietnam to India. The float-over operation was completed with extreme precision offshore Mumbai. This was a real milestone project in India as until now, operations of this kind have been executed with enormous cranes.
2nd Panama island project
Panama — Boskalis will construct the second artificial island in Panama, as part of the ‘Punta Pacifica’ development. The first island was completed in 2013. The islands have to be able to cope with wave conditions that occur once in a hundred years.

2nd Panama island project
Constructing an iron ore terminal in Gabon
Gabon — For the construction of an iron ore terminal in the Gabonese port of Libreville, Boskalis is reclaiming 45 hectares of land for the terminal and dredging a berthing area for bulk carriers. For this project a total volume of 3.2 million m3 of sand and silt will be dredged using medium-sized trailing suction hopper dredgers.

Constructing an iron ore terminal in Gabon
Design, T&I for 67 offshore wind farm foundations
Germany — Boskalis in partnership with VolkerWessels has been awarded a contract for the design, procurement, fabrication, supply, transportation, installation and testing of 67 foundations for the Veja Mate Offshore Wind Farm in the German section of the North Sea. The wind farm will generate a total capacity of 400 MW. The project will commence at the end of 2015 and completion of the project is expected in the fourth quarter of 2016.

Design T&I for 67 offshore wind farm foundations
Dredging at port Kembla under strict conditions
Australia — Located on the east coast, port Kembla is one of three major ports in state of New South Wales in Australia. Boskalis is deepening berth 103 to facilitate the expansion of the ports grain export facilities. The works consist of the dredging of approximately 120,000 m3 of material under strict environmental conditions including the use of silt curtains and continuous real time turbidity monitoring at several sites within the project.

Dredging at Kembla under strict conditions
Cygnus field development project
United Kingdom — The fallpipe vessel Rockpiper executed the subsea rock installation on the Cygnus Field in the United Kingdom section of the North Sea. Also post-lay rock installation (partly filter/armour) was executed. The Cygnus project is expected to contribute 5% to UK gas production at peak (due 2016) supplying gas to 1.5 million homes in the UK.
Access made easier in Tuxpan port, Mexico
Mexico — Boskalis is deepening and widening the navigation channel to the Riberas del Pantepec terminal in the port of Tuxpan Mexico. Also a new turning basin will be dredged with a depth of 15 meters and a diameter of 500 meters. The port of Tuxpan specializes in containers, automobiles and general cargo.

Access made easier in Tuxpan port Mexico
Dredging deep trenches in Oman
Oman — Boskalis dredged two trenches for the construction of sea outfalls located West of Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman. In total a volume of approximately 60,000 m3 of material was dredged. Part of the dredging works were executed in a tidal zone, which made it necessary for the backhoe Colbart to shift towards and away from the beach with the rising and falling sea levels.

Dredging deep trenches in Oman
Gokbel safely refloated off Italian coast
Italy — In December 2014 the general cargo ship Gokbel collided and sunk during heavy weather near Ravenna, Italy. Smit Salvage and her Italian partner Neri were contracted to lift, refloat and prepare the casualty for towage to a scrapyard in Turkey.

Gokbel safely refloated off Italian coast
The marvel of Malampaya
The Philippines — With an innovative solid ballasting operation and the successful installation of a permanent bridge structure, Boskalis completed the complex Malampaya project offshore Palawan, the Philippines. The lead role was for the new vessel Ndeavor. The multi-functionality of the vessel allowed her to live up to her nickname: the ‘sailing Swiss Army knife’. More detailed information can be found here.

The marvel of Malampaya
Dredging for space exploration
French Guiana — The Guiana Space Center in French Guiana depends on an access channel constructed by Boskalis in 1994 for supplies of fuels and rocket and satellite parts. Since that time, Boskalis has also been responsible for the maintenance and surveying work. As large amounts of sediment from the Amazon and other major rivers can suddenly be brought in by the waves and deposited on the bed of the channel, extensive dredging sometimes has to start at unexpected moments.

Dredging for space exploration
Towing, mooring, docking the FPSO Schiehallion
The Netherlands — Five SMIT harbour tugs towed the FPSO Schiehallion through the Calandkanaal (Rotterdam port). The Schiehallion is a 245m x 45m Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel and is capable of storing 950,000 barrels of oil. The tugs assisted her to the “offshore service location” in the Calandkanaal, for preparatory work before towing her to the shipyard for maintenance work.
Transport of two semisubmersible drilling rigs
Brazil – Singapore — Transport of two semisubmersible drilling rigs with the Dockwise Vanguard for Noble Corporation from Angra dos Reis to Singapore. The distance between the two cargos, the Noble Paul Wolff and the Noble Max Smith onboard the vessel was less than 25 feet.
Dockwise Vanguard transport gigantic FPSO Goliat
South Korea – Northern Europe — The loading took place in Geoje, South Korea and during the loading, the deck of the Dockwise Vanguard was submerged to receive the cargo. The Goliat is the largest cargo loaded on the Dockwise Vanguard to date and has a diameter of 107 meters.
Creating Latin America’s largest port
Brazil — In the north of Rio de Janeiro state, Boskalis is working on the Açu Superport industrial complex, the largest port-industry enterprise in Latin America, rising out of a greenfield. The scope of the work includes the dredging of an access and inner channel, turning basin and harbor basin as well as land reclamation work. Boskalis will also construct the revetments at the entrance of the harbor.
Please look at our corporate website for more information on this project.
Co-Mining: offering a complete mining package
Suriname — At the Lelydorp Mining Project in Suriname, Boskalis provided its client Suralco with a complete mining package to extract 3.8 million tons of bauxite. The scope of work included the removal of overburden material, the excavation of the bauxite and the hauling and delivery to a nearby refinery. Employing strict environmental guidelines Boskalis realized an exceptional 98% bauxite extraction result, using sophisticated equipment and survey techniques, a.o. sonic drills and drones.
Please look at our corporate website for more information on this project.
Big Foot platform transportation
South Korea – United States — Big Foot, world’s deepest Extended Tension Leg Platform, was transported from Geoje, South Korea to Corpus Christie, USA.

Big Foot platform transportation
Salvage SEP Orion
Brazil — In 2012 SMIT Salvage successfully removed the diesel oil from the grounded jack-up work platform ‘SEP Orion’. SMIT Salvage was also awarded the wreck removal contract. Floating sheerleg Taklift 4 was used as a work platform, using underwater cutting equipment to cut the legs above the SEP Orion platform. After the par buckling and refloating operation was performed any further potential pollutants were removed. The platform was towed out in a stable condition and scuttled in deep water.
Please look at our corporate website for more information on this project.
FPSO anchor installation
Offshore Brazil — Offshore mooring and hook-up of FPSO OSX-3 (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessel) in Brazilian waters. The FPSO was successfully installed 90 km off the Brazilian coast, in a water depth of approximately 100 meter. The scope of work for Boskalis Offshore included the positioning of the FPSO’s anchor piles and chains on the seabed and the hook-up operation accordingly. Boskalis Offshore deployed five specially equipped anchor handlers (two from Fairmount) and ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles).

FPSO anchor installation
Lucius Spar Transport: a Dockwise precision assignment
Finland — United States — Dockwise’s Mighty Servant 1 moved the 184m-long hull of the Lucius Truss Spar, weighing 23,000 tons, from Finland to the United States. A precision assignment with all sorts of interesting elements: plenty of engineering work, contract management, risk analyses, financial management and close coordination with the client.

Lucius Spar Transport
Transport & Installation of 108 foundations
Irish Sea — With 108 wind turbines in the challenging Irish Sea, West of Duddon Sands is one of the largest wind farms in Europe. In a joint venture — Offshore WindForce — Boskalis and Volker Stevin were responsible for the Transport & Installation of the foundations. By using innovative buckets and gripper frames, the world’s largest hydro-hammer and state-of-the-art survey equipment installation time was reduced by almost 40%!
Please look at our corporate website for more information on this project.
Providing flood protection
Russia — In St Petersburg Boskalis successfully completed the storm surge barrier between 2009 and 2011. The flood protection consists of a 25 km-long dam that contains six locks and two movable storm surge barriers. In 2013 Boskalis reclaimed 85 hectares of land for the Bronka Terminal in St Petersburg. Furthermore Boskalis started dredging an entrance channel to the new terminal, as well as the turning basin and the berths in the spring of 2014.
Please look at our corporate website for more information on this project.